Geograph Sitemap
Quick links to nearly all Geograph Webpages
Help and Info...
Getting started...
- browse images on a map
- browse images on a map without zones
- browse images on a draggable map
- browse images on a draggable map without zones
Exploring in more depth...
- browse by grid square
- view statistics of images submitted (more below)
- explore geograph images
- view some themed galleries
- view trip reports by our members
- view the full list of images
- A list of featured searches RSS
Interacting with other members...
Interacting with other software...
- view images in Google Earth and Google Maps KML
- get RSS feeds of images RSS
- view squares in Memory Map
- download squares in GPX Format
- latest images in GeoRSS format GeoRSS
- developer information on the Geograph API
Site Features...
- Register as a User
- Login / Logout
- Forgotten Password
- Contact Us
- Your Profile (for registered users only)
- Review Your Recent Change Suggestions
- Contributor Listing
- Weekly Leaderboard
- All Time Leaderboard
- Contributors of historical images
- Regional statistics (large list)
- By Month Leaderboard
- Numerical Squares Leaderboard (see forum)
- Most Taken in a Day Leaderboard
- Hectad Leaderboard for First Geographs
- Hectad Leaderboard all Images
More Statistics...
- Mostly Geographed:
- Grid Squares
- 10km x 10km Squares (Hectads)
- 100km x 100km Squares (Myriads)
- Fully Geographed:
- 10km x 10km Squares (includes Large Mosaic!)
- Breakdown by:
- Category,
Date Taken,
100km x 100km (Myriads), 10km x 10km (Hectads) Squares,
- Category,
Date Taken,
- Past Activity:
- Technical Database Stats:
Explore Images...
- Geograph Calendar, view images by date taken.
- Centre Points: (really just arbitrary lists of Grid References!)
Other relevant Sites...
- Paul Dixon's Blog
- Barry Hunters Blog
, and unofficial GeographTools
- David Morris's Blog