All Hectad Leaderboard :: Every

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Listed below are the top 200 contributors based on number of hectads contributed to every square..

Number in Brackets is the the number of land squares making up the Hectad. Double click a list of hectads to expand (also displays as tooltip).

1stMichael W 37 ULB89,ULB97,ULB98,ULB...
2ndAndreas Gmelin-Rewiako 33 UMU89,UMU99,UMV62,UMV...
3rdHarald Sogl 25 UMV54,UMV56,UMV57,UMV...
4thAndreas Hörstemeier 22 ULB02,ULB03,ULB11,UKB...
5thSchlosser67 11 UNC39,UNC49,UNC59,UNC...
6thGünter G 8 UPV18,UPV27,UPV28,UPV...
7thUwe Seibert 4 UMB41,UMB42,UMB51,UMB52
8thRadulf 2 UMD67,UMD77
   "Colin Smith 2 UUU81,UUA75[8]
   "JanMartin 2 TLT87[3],ULU94[1]
11thAlter vom Berg 1 ULB67
   "Schön-R 1 UWS08[13]
   "Klaus G 1 UMG60[8]
   "Hansjörg Lipp 1 TPT03[1]
   "joergens_mi 1 ULU94[1]
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